The Back

Hi! My name is Pim This is me. I create, talk & write about engineering concepts, data science and creative ideas.

I am Pim.

Hello I am Pim, an innovative and analytic thinker excited about green technology and data analytics. The Back Envelope is born as space to express my creativity, challenging me to streamline my thoughts and broaden my perspective.

The Back Envelope is not merely a collection of ideas— it’s an invitation for you to challenge your own thinking and imagine how a better future might look like.

I hope you will find something of value here, something that sparks your curiosity and inspires you to imagine a better world.


What is The Back Envelope?

Inspiration often strikes at unexpected times — during an afternoon run, absorbed in thoughts whilst cooking, or in the midst of an interesting conversation. You reach out to the nearest piece of paper or your phone, to jot down the outline of your newfound insight.

The Back Envelope is born from the notion that profound ideas often take shape on the back of a scrap paper or an envelope. Here on The Back Envelope, I delve into my own unique perspective and ideas regarding the challenges and solutions of the energy transition and climate change.

As we are starting to see the significant changes in our lives that come with a transition away from fossil fuels, I believe it’s crucial to keep asking ourselves the important questions about the direction we are heading.

Join me on this exploration of ideas on the back envelope; often supported by data analysis. Together, let’s draw conclusions regarding the inconveniences and urgencies we need to confront—exploring not only the technological aspects but also the societal ans philosophical dimensions of our journey towards a sustainable future.